The people from Saarland love their food. Their food is a mixture of German and French flavours and styles.
Dibbelabbes - a potato soufflé with bacon
Kappes und Grumbeere - white cabbage and potatoes
Gequellde - potatoes cooked in their skin)
Gefilde - dumplings in a creamy bacon gravy)
RingelWeck - a Snack with Lyoner in the traditional "Ringel-Form"
This is the regionâs favorite dish."Lyoner" a ring of pork sausage is eaten with "Kerschdscher" raw potato cubes fried in hot lard, "Grumbeersalat" potato salad with mustard and a roll and "Schwenkbraten" marinated pork cutlets grilled.
They also love their delicacies such as cured veal cheeks with fried goose liver, coq au vin from the capon-chicken cooked in wine, and slices of turbot stuffed with shrimp.